Puyo Puyo is a series of puzzle video games created by Compile and later Sonic Team Puyo Puyo was originally released by Compile in 1991, as a spinoff from the 19 RPG Madou Monogatari, also made by Compile Puyos were enemy monsters in said game, as the rough equivalent of the slime monsters from the Dragon Quest game series Puyo Puyo really became popular when it wasNotes on Puyo Puyo Tetris Tetris vs Puyo All tables apply to versus mode Garbage Table In Tetris vs Puyo, making an attack charges the gauge on the left, which is then converted into nuisance puyos Attacks aren't sent until you place a block that doesn't do a line clear, and there are some differences in the relative strength of attacksApr 24, 17 · Puyo Puyo Tetris combines the blobcolor matching puzzle playstyle of Puyo Puyo with the wellknown Tetris, making for a "frantic four Puyo Puyo Tetris Game Live2eatfood Powered By Doodlekit Puyo puyo vs